Saturday Feb. 2nd 3pm -7pm
@ Hell's Basement Brewery Medicine Hat, AB
The Medicine Hat Track Society, Hells Basement Brewery and I have partnered together for a great cause. We are raising money to buy athletic shoes for youth in the community. Kids in local schools and sports teams who don't have access to the athletic shoes they need.
This idea started when I was at my younger brothers volleyball tournament this fall, I noticed two of the kids on the opposing team didn't have athletic shoes to play in. So that day I went out and bought them Nike running shoes so they could play the rest of the tournament in actual athletic shoes. I was inspired after seeing the joy and appreciation from the boys when I gave them the shoes, I wanted to be able to give more shoes to youth in the community who are in need. When Hell's Basement Brewery approached me with an opportunity to give back to the community I knew exactly how I wanted to give back. Under the organization of the Medicine Hat Track society we are able to raise this money and distribute the shoes to kids in need.
On February 2nd at Hells Basement Brewery from 3pm-7pm we will have brews, appetizers and a silent auction to fundraise money. We are hoping to raise enough money to purchase 100 shoes or more, we would love to see you there and if you can't make it we would greatly appreciate your support!